精煉繽紛手法為創意設計,不間斷地實踐創業宗旨, 自細節中誕生美妙韻律,於商空、住宅中融入簡約手筆, 鋪敘出絢爛而純淨細緻的願景畫面,自理想藍圖到夢想成真過程, 相偕用戶揮灑創意,展現作品魅力!
Y.H Interior Design
Sincerely Creates the Peaceful and Comfortable Residences
We refine the skillful techniques and creative designs to non-stop practicing the company tenets. Employ the exquisite details and concise crafts in the commercial space and residential buildings to draw out the gorgeous, pure, and artful circumstance. Accompany with our customers to bring their dreams come true from the ideal blueprint planning, hence, successfully exhibit the appealing charm of the project!
潛心聆聽,尋找共識如夥伴,給予建議如良友,珍藏其中回饋點滴為努力目標! 空間是舞台,而人是主角,我們重視「溝通」,以了解使用者的特質與需求習慣,進而探討美感比例,加入色彩、紋理,量身打造業主專屬的寬舒之境。
A momentary customer, service for a lifetime.
We listen intently to seek the consensus as partners and give advice as real friends.
Thereupon, we especially cherish each touch of feedback to deliver on our targets!
Space is the stage, and people are the protagonists. We attach importance of
"communication"; wish to meet the user's distinguished character, hobbies, and requirements.
And then, exploit the aesthetic scheme, color theme, and material texture to customize the
exclusive and cozy environment for the proprietor.
Design Director
Executive Director
London Design Awards | Silver Winner | Fairy Tale
MUSE Design Awards | Silver Winner | Grace
French Design Awards | Gold Winner | Song of the Dawn
Outstanding Property Award London (OPAL) | Winner | Charming Corner
APDC亞太設計精英邀請賽 | 佳作獎 | Serene Oasis
MUSE Design Awards | Silver Winner | Working by the river
International Design Awards (IDA) | Honorable Mention | Duke。Castle
Outstanding Property Award London (OPAL) | Winner | Refreshing Allure
MUSE Design Awards | Silver Winner | Duke。Castle
MUSE Design Awards | Silver Winner | Serene Oasis
K-Design Award | Winner | An inviting indigo condo
金堂獎 | S' Collection Dessert Bar
MUSE Design Awards | Gold Winner | An inviting indigo condo
Outstanding Property Award London (OPAL) | Winner | Resplendent future
Outstanding Property Award London (OPAL) | Honorable Mention | An inviting indigo condo
Novum Design Award | Bronze Award | An inviting indigo condo
International Design Awards (IDA) | Honorable Mention | Resplendent future
K-Design Award | Finalist | An inviting indigo condo